
Last year, The Arc’s volunteers logged over 2,600 hours, donating their time and talent and assisting with projects from landscaping to answering phones. Our volunteers help us distribute newsletters, produce calendars, teach community classes and organize events like the Buddy Fest. We couldn’t operate without the generous support of community members like you!

Get involved with The Arc and help make a difference for individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and our community. Together, we can help everyone reach their potential!

For more information about volunteering, please contact our office at (360) 715-0170, or by email at admin@arcwhatcom.org.

I enjoy volunteering with The Arc because it keeps me connected with the community. Volunteering also enables me to be able to return a small portion of the care, advocacy, education, outreach, and friendship The Arc provides. Plus, it’s just plain fun volunteering with The Arc!” -Susan R., Volunteer

“Working with individuals with developmental disabilities has taught me so much about people, myself and our community. We each have such talents and challenges. Thank you for the extremely valuable experience!” – Stephen C., Volunteer

“The Arc is a beautiful place with beautiful people. Playing, learning, and working with individuals of all ability levels will change you for the better, and you’re going to find yourself telling everyone you know about The Arc. Every time you volunteer there you will smile, and you will feel you were a part of something special.” – Cvijeta L., Volunteer

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