The Arc of Whatcom County provides leadership support for a broad-based coalition of persons with developmental disabilities and their parents/guardians. The goal of the Parent Coalition is to enable persons with developmental disabilities and their parents/guardians to become effective and involved in accessing community services in Whatcom County.
Click here for issues of the Parent Coalition newsletter.
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Providers can make referrals to our programs using The Arc Referral Form.
The Parent Coalition of Whatcom County:
- Develops and raises community awareness about the issues and needs of persons with developmental disabilities and their families.
- Serves as a resource to increase understanding of the developmental disability service system.
- Provides advocacy.
- Promotes public education.
- Promotes awareness of disability issues.
- Promotes accessibility.
How does the Parent Coalition Work?
Public Education
Each month, the Parent Coalition distributes informational mailings to keep you up to date on all the latest events happening locally and nationally.
Legislative Advocacy
Through the Legislative Coffee and a monthly e-Alert, the Parent Coalition keeps you up to date on the issues before local, state and national government.
Family Support
Trained Parent Advocates provide one on one support and assistance in formulating strategy, writing letters and establishing eligibility for services. Advocates help you navigate special education services and housing systems, and work to enable access to Social Security, Medicaid and governmental supports. If necessary, our staff provide mediation and conflict resolution with service provision and standards of care. The Arc helps you plan for your future and provides information on guardianship, senior family and long-term care support, plus residential and housing support.
The Parent Coalition offers a variety of workshops and trainings. These workshops can vary from school issues to guardianship to promoting peer support.
These trainings help to empower people to better meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. Trainings and workshops are offered throughout the year.
For free Planning Guides to assist you with issues such as Choosing a Care Giver, Guardianships, and Trusts & Wills, call 360-715-0170 or email