Legislative Advocacy

Visit The Arc of Washington State for more information about Advocacy Days.

Check out the resources offered by The Arc of Washington:

The Legislative Action Center https://arcwa.org/action-center/ has information on your elected officials, issues and legislation, elections and candidates.  It also offers easy tools for contacting your elected officials or local media outlets and sample letters and phone scripts. Sign up for the Action E-List to stay informed on the latest news.

The Olympia Insider is an informative video series on current events in Olympia relevant to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.  The Olympia Reporter also provides informative articles. http://arcwa.org/index.php/takeaction/washingtonstate/the_olympia_insider

Hot Tips for Advocates is an easy to use guide for successful advocacy: http://arcwa.org/index.php/library/2016_hot_tips/

Get connected with Facebook and Twitter and find even more resources at The Arc of Washington’s Take Action website: http://arcwa.org/takeaction

Keep up to date on Federal Issues through The Arc US:

Visit The Arc’s Action Center http://cqrcengage.com/thearc/ to get information on elected officials, issues, legislation, candidates and elections.

Sign up for the Capitol Insider to stay informed on the latest federal news: http://cqrcengage.com/thearc/app/register?2&m=10985

The Public Policy page has summary and background information on various issues: http://www.thearc.org/page.aspx?pid=2400